Saturday, November 27, 2021

Computer security dissertation

Computer security dissertation

computer security dissertation

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Human-Computer Interaction. Passwords and Security - Words | Free Paper Example

User ID and passwords control authentication is the widely used mechanism to access the data in most of the current conventional information systems.

With the rapid increase in the number of password-protected accounts on the internet, users have to create and remember a host of passwords. Despite the rapidity in the pace of progress in technology with increased processor speeds and enlarged data-holding capabilities, computer security dissertation, the issue of information security in the computer system has continued to remain vulnerable throughout.

Similarly, though there have been advancements in information security protocols, the deployment of user-created passwords still remains an all-pervasive method of system security throughout the world. Within this context, this study has the objective of presenting the case for an efficient human-computer interaction through the examination of the attempts on the development of varied designs of passwords.

The issue of managing information security has taken the center of focus with the increase in the magnitude and capacities of the networking facilities. The increase in networking facilities has put information security at a very high priority, especially in the wake of increased cyber crimes that are being perpetrated largely.

Private business houses like those engaged in providing financial and investment services to their customers and several other customer-centric business establishments carry a large amount of vital data pertaining to their valued clients in their computers, which are always subjected to the vulnerability of data computer security dissertation identity theft by unscrupulous hackers and perpetrators of cybercrimes.

Thus, in the present highly mechanized business environment development of secure passwords is one of the issues of critical importance for the protection of information and data stored in computer systems. Information security in organizations is ensured by implementing a suitable set of controls in the form of policies, procedures, practices, and organizational structure and as a function of software capabilities. Passwords being the primary aid for user authentication to interact with the computer systems, the issue of creating and maintaining secured passwords has gained prominence in recent researches.

Deborah, Pamela, Linda, and Ronaldthrough their study, have identified the improper use of passwords as the second major cause for concerns regarding information security. Irrespective of any large sums of money expended on sophisticated networking or other technology to protect the data, a weak or poorly constructed password has the potential ability to bypass all the efforts and money computer security dissertation on the protection of system security.

This situation gives rise to two issues connected with vulnerabilities of passwords with respect to system security. This tells upon the efficiency computer security dissertation the passwords to protect the information security. This approach envisages the creation of passwords that seldom exceed the limitations of human memory capabilities. The passwords are also expected to meet the expectation level of the system and network administrators in terms of the strengths of the passwords.

The focus of this research is directed towards examining the impact of human errors in passwords and suggesting suitable password designs to make them fall within human memory capabilities. An analysis of the extent to which passwords have an impact on information security is the central focus of this study.

The study also examines the usability of different passwords like graphic passwords that are currently being developed from the information security perspective. Social engineering and shoulder surfing are also studied in detail to have a better understanding of their effect on data security and the security implications of different passwords.

A detailed review of the aspect of human errors in selecting and using passwords and the ways to promote better and efficient human-computer interaction for effective and errorless authentication of computer systems are also in the purview of the current study.

This presupposes computer security dissertation necessity of creating and using meaningful and secure passwords to ensure the basic security of information stored in computer systems. It has also been observed that human errors in devising computer security dissertation using secure passwords might lead to information security issues Tari et al.

This has made the study of the salient features of the security aspects relating to the creation and use of meaningful passwords an important one.

Past research has identified that improperly used or badly designed passwords are one of the major causes of information security concerns Tari et al. This has necessitated a reexamination of the existing designs of passwords to comment on their shortcomings and, at the same time, to evolve new methods and designs of creating passwords so that they remain secure.

Thus, this study has taken the objective of critically examining the existing formation of passwords to suggest any possible improvement in them, computer security dissertation. The later part of this text will present some of the issues discussed within this chapter backed by authentic sources from the available literature on the topic under study. By adopting established research methods, the computer security dissertation will strive to arrive at plausible answers to the questions mentioned below so that the research shall be able to accomplish its broad objectives.

This paper is structured to have different sections presented as chapters, with the first one concentrating on the scope and boundaries of the study. A detailed review of the available literature on the theoretical aspects of the subject of human-computer interaction with specific reference to password security is presented in the second chapter.

A descriptive note on the methodology adopted computer security dissertation complete the study is presented in the third chapter. The findings of the study and a discussion on the findings are dealt with in the fourth chapter, computer security dissertation, and the fifth and final chapter contains some concluding remarks computer security dissertation the issues discussed in the body of the text and few recommendations for further research that would be interesting from the point of augmenting the knowledge on the subject.

It has been widely accepted by organizations and technical experts that traditional passwords are inherently insecure and cannot offer protection to the data stored in the computer.

This conclusion is based on the premise that the users create and use weaker passwords due to limitations on their memorability. It is true that with the increase in the number computer security dissertation passwords and their complexity level, extensive password requirements have overloaded the memory capabilities of the users Deborah et al.

It is argued that the present password selection mechanisms are not developed to meet the basic human-computer interaction principles, and this might be the principal cause for the failure of the passwords to offer the required security to data stored in the computer systems.

Focusing on these issues, this chapter will review the relevant literature to improve upon the knowledge of human-computer interaction, computer security dissertation. The present-day business environment banking heavily on the use of the internet and other related technologies has increased the need for the use of personal data for authentication purposes Bidgoli, Especially transactions like online trading and net-banking facilities have necessitated the disclosure of personal information and identity details, which are considered as most confidential Bidgoli, The organizations that provide financial and investment services, as well as other customer-centric commercial organizations, are required to gather personal data and information from their customers and other stakeholders and securely maintain them in their computer systems.

Such confidential information about the customers, computer security dissertation, when accessed and misused by unscrupulous users, may adversely affect the business prospects of the organization, and therefore, the information needs to be secured with access restricted only to authorized users Bidgoli H. According to Schultz, Proctor, Lien, computer security dissertation, and Salvendythere are many methods that are available to restrict the accessibility to the information to the people who are not authorized to receive such information through a process of authentication and authorization.

Therefore, it becomes imperative that good and secure password practices are followed to ensure basic data security in the current digital environment. Since Internet accounts are usually protected with passwords, users are expected to use their passwords every now and then for accessing their accounts.

Most of the data theft and misuse of systems have occurred due to the reason that the passwords were weak enough to allow the hackers and other fraudsters to obtain user passwords by resorting to social engineering or any other fraudulent methods of password cracking Adams et al. For the password mechanism to be effective, computer security dissertation, it is vitally important that the users generate and use passwords that are stronger in the sense that they are not easily subjected to guessing or cracking.

All along, it has been the practice to consider more of the technicalities involved in the creation of the passwords rather than concentrating on the human aspects involved in the creation computer security dissertation passwords. Sasse, Brnstoft, and Weirich have proved that current password mechanisms have failed to consider the usability aspects and therefore have resulted in serious information security lapses.

They are of the view that with the rapidity in the increase in the number of systems and the application of passwords there for most of the users are confronted with the problems of coping up with password management issues.

The issue further gets complicated because many of the users do not possess in-depth knowledge on the seriousness of data security and the computer security dissertation passwords have on information security. This has inevitably led to situations where the users are made to evolve computer security dissertation own data security arrangements, which are quite often found to lack in several data protection aspects.

These security systems are devoid of many important and effective requirements of an efficient data security system. The use of cryptographically weak passwords and the disclosure of them readily to third parties have been observed to be the root cause of several information security issues.

Hackers and other perpetrators of cyber fraud wait for these expected behaviors of users to exploit the situation through social engineering Poulsen, One of the objectives of this review is to examine some of the salient aspects pertaining to password selection and the related information security concerns from a human-computer interaction perspective.

Information has become the lifeblood of organizations and is considered a vital business asset in the present day Information Technology enabled world. With the myriad of suppliers, business associates, and markets, it would be impossible for businesses to thrive without information and their contribution to business success, computer security dissertation.

Accurate and easy access to the information, therefore, becomes critically important to make managerial decision-making easier and meaningful. This also calls for the computer security dissertation and enhancement in the value of information systems as a central strategic objective of businesses Olufemi, It is also true that information security is not just a matter of creating and making use of user names and passwords, computer security dissertation.

In the context of the creation of strong passwords has assumed greater importance in the matter of information security. It is the usual practice of most of the users to have their biographical information like birth name, date of birth, or names of their favorites or simple words, which are easy to be guessed by many others or specialized computer programs designed to perform this.

Studies have proved that users have the tendency to create these kinds of passwords because of the ease of remembering them Klein, computer security dissertation, The most common type of password represents the names of the users themselves, or favorite football team, or the dates of birth of the users. Another issue concerned with passwords is that people make use of the same password for most of their accounts Ives et al, computer security dissertation. However, no other method of authentication and authorization has diminished the use and popularity of username-password combine.

It seems this method will continue to be the primary method of authenticating access to information in the future, and therefore, it becomes important that sufficient security aspects be incorporated in the creation of a password. Frequently changing shared secrets and the requirement to use unique shared secrets be used for computer security dissertation security domains usually overloads the memory capabilities of computer security dissertation. As a natural consequence, people tend to remember scores of passwords by writing computer security dissertation down somewhere.

Similarly, long and complex passwords are capable of aggravating the limitations on human memory, computer security dissertation. Most of the articles on password security and the memorability of users deal with the issue purely from a myopic position that users will possess the capacity to deal with a single security domain, and as a result, have to remember only a single password that will never be subjected to any change, computer security dissertation. On the other hand, studies have proved that many of the deficiencies in password authentication systems have arisen due to the limitations of human memory.

The requirements of some complex passwords do not take into account human memory capabilities. There are certain facts about human memory that need to be considered while creating passwords that are strong and capable of providing enough protection and security to the information. Based on a consideration of these aspects of human memory, it is observed that password authentication seems to be a trade-off between memorability and security.

While some passwords are easy to remember but subject to the vulnerability of being easily cracked by sheer guessing or dictionary searches, computer security dissertation, others are very secure and strong against guessing or any other attacks but beyond the human memory capabilities. In the case of the passwords that are otherwise strong security in them might be compromised due to the computer security dissertation of human memory, which leads the user to resort to have a written record of the password or to have insecure backup authentication procedures once they forget the password Yan et al.

Therefore the effect of self-generating the ideas with respect to the creation of passwords has an important effect on improving the human memory on remembering passwords with ease, computer security dissertation. In cases where the users have used their own ideas for generating passwords, they are able to remember those passwords more vividly. The only issue connected with users generating their own passwords is that they invariably lack the security of data.

In contrast to self-generation, users may resort to the use of passwords randomly designed by the computer systems comprising of alphanumerical characters and symbols. Despite being comparatively more secure, these passwords pose difficulty for the user to remember passwords, computer security dissertation. This is due to the reason that such computer-generated passwords do not convey any meaning to the users, which restricts the memorability of users.

The ability of a person to retrieve items from memory largely depends upon the memory load. With the increase of memory load, there will be an increase in the number of items that slip the memory Neath, With regard to passwords, it is possible for the users to retain a few unique passwords easily without much effort, computer security dissertation.

With the increase in the number of passwords that the users have to remember, the chances of the users forgetting some of the passwords increase. Especially with the rapid growth of e-commerce and other e-services provided through websites, the memory load problems are computer security dissertation to increase with the necessity for the users to remember more passwords.

This is so because the users have to generate multiple passwords that meet different requirements with respect to computer security dissertation use of different websites. The requirements of minimum length in terms of the number of characters, combination of letters and digits add to the complexity of the generation of passwords and leads to computer security dissertation issues on the part of the users.

The requirement by some websites that some special characters be included in the passwords makes it difficult for the users to remember the password more vividly, computer security dissertation.

This phenomenon of proactive interference occurs when people are unable to recall the items that are currently being used by them. This occurs due to the interference of the items previously learned by them and put in their memories Bunting, computer security dissertation, The incidence of proactive interference is bound to show an increasing trend with the increase in the number of previously learned items and other associated happenings, computer security dissertation.

Proactive interference has been considered a major issue in the generation and use of a password. Since the users have the computer security dissertation of giving away their passwords easily when asked Viega,many of the websites now require their users to change their passwords at periodic intervals. Changing passwords may be considered as good from a security angle.

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