Essay about The Benefits of Community Service. Words10 Pages. "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." -- Albert Einstein. Volunteering personal time to a cause, service, or other person can be very rewarding for various reasons, and in various ways. These reasons can be specific to the volunteer task, whether the person was recruited for the work or if they found it themselves, life stage Sep 22, · Community service is a healthy alternative mode of punishment and has lots of advantages. It is seen to benefit a country and the government in so many ways. Firstly, community service provide for less expensive punishment compared to imprisonment. It takes a /5(9) Apr 08, · Community Service Has a Number of Important Benefits. Engaging in community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their community and has a lasting, positive impact on society at large. Community service or volunteerism enables students to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to those who need it blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
Why is Community Service Important?
Being a student mentor comes with many benefits, benefits of community service essay. Such as, encouraging students to better their behavior, helping students build a better self-esteem for their self, and help decrease high school dropout rate.
Mentoring is a powerful personal development and empowerment tool. It is an effective way of helping people to progress in their careers. Mentoring teenagers isn't always as hard as it seems but at the same time, not everyone is up for it and it takes serious dedication.
Year round mentoring progress should be used in schools because it help encourages students to better their behavior, help students better their self-esteem, and it help decrease high school dropout rate. Through a service learning opportunity, college students adapt to the experience and develop a deep compassion towards people. Many people in college communities are less fortunate and in need of some kind of resource, or benefits of community service essay community may need rebuilding by people who care to make all things new again.
Being a college student can get difficult at times. Some students in college do not seem to have anytime at all to do good deeds. Students should be able to help their community in any way they can. Having students complete a one-credit community service class is an excellent idea because it can lead to better moral ethics in students, it will help to gain better insight, and everyone involved will benefit from this one-credit class. A school should be a place where we learn valuable information.
Regardless of the reasoning, forcing teenager to complete service hours could cause them stress, and might have a negative impact on their health. While some students might have schedules that allot them the free time and energy to complete the service hours and maintain good health, it is likely that the vast majority of them do not.
It is important for teenagers to stay healthy throughout their young adult years as they face many big changes and responsibilities, and it is possible that required community service could be detrimental to their. To form such a community, volunteer work should be required to graduate high school. This will boost the learning of students, and allow their education to grow and not be limited to school. When completing community service, students are placed in a surplus of different circumstances to help them grow.
High schoolers also learn how to give back to society by volunteering in the community. Absolutely, volunteer work will give pupils a well balanced education incorporating both the heart and the mind, providing the means for these students to grow into mature adults who are involved and contributing positively to society. One of the most important manners that a kid can get involved in their area is by volunteering. Volunteering and giving back time to those in need can greatly benefit any high school student.
These days, benefits of community service essay, many colleges and employers put a huge emphasis into looking at volunteering of applicants on resumes US News and World Report. com, Lines Teens who volunteer benefits of community service essay a chance to explore their inter middle of paper ng more important to school success than the influence of school spirit and pride.
While cheering your heart out at school functions, you learn things like unity and sportsmanship all while boosting the entire atmosphere of the school around you.
Free higher education will help education live up to the reputation of leveling the playing field and providing opportunity to move up in society. It is something that will reward hard working kids with no debt and set them up for the future.
It will allow students to focus on their school work and will eliminate the need to have to work to pay for school. This will help their success rate and help people graduate on schedule. Free education will also stop the student loan crisis that has now surpassed benefits of community service essay card debt. The more motivation they get, the more responsibility and expectations they will gain in themselves.
Students at benefits of community service essay school had everything easy, but college the main responsibility is what they need.
Students should be able benefits of community service essay be mature and responsible so they can be aware of any failing in school. The main reasons of going to college is to success and be a useful person in society. The college student life is the challenging and motivated life any student can have. Making community service mandatory for high schools can also clearly improve and help the community immensely.
Although special attention should be made on how mandatory community service is applied and enforced, making community service mandatory for high schoolers truly cannot do much harm. Home Page Benefits Of Community Service Essay. Benefits Of Community Service Essay Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Community Service: The Benefits Volunteering: The great experience no one can afford to lose. Opposers say, mandatory community service can have several negative effects on students.
Many students are barely even passing the regular school curriculum, and opposers believe that adding the additional load of mandatory service hours will discourage teens from even wanting to graduate. Also mandatory service is usually assigned by a court as punishment to delinquents. Contrary to this opposing view, helping others is the best feeling that one could ever have. What is a volunteer? Volunteer: a person who does work without getting paid to do it Merriam, Webster.
The act of volunteering gives people a sense of responsibility and makes one feel needed and useful to society one way or another. Students should be obligated to give back to their communities through acts of community service. It should be viewed from the perspective of paying their dues back to the community, after all the education of these students is free and it is the community that pays for it, benefits of community service essay.
Community service should be a mandatory high school graduation requirement because it builds ones character, limits the rate of teenage delinquency, benefits of community service essay, and establishes a path for a better future as an individual, benefits of community service essay. Fulfilling community service by volunteering has so many positive effects on the community. service, teens can also get linked up with people of higher power in their community which can be really beneficial to them presently and in the future.
Mandating community service for high school graduation was the best idea anyone could ever invent. Its a very useful, promising, and beneficial experience that every teen should want to be a part of.
Volunteering gives people a sense of fulfilment, and the joy of knowing that so many people need help and being able to be that person to render those services make a better person. Community service should not be a burden for any teenager, but a special gift being giving to the community by a special individual. Get Access. Satisfactory Essays. Student Mentoring Essay Words 3 Pages. Student Mentoring Essay. Read More. Better Essays. Values of Service Learning Words 3 Pages 1 Works Cited.
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The Benefits of Community Service
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Knowledge and training. Benefits Of Community Service When writers are knowledgeable and trained to write essays, it means they know about the guidelines and rules as well as the varied formats of writing essays. Therefore, they will be able to deliver to you a well-written document. Keen eye /10() Words | 4 Pages. Nowadays, many junior high and high schools in the United States require their students to do volunteer, and community service to be graduated. Volunteering and community service also help students to learn more about social life; it also Sep 10, · Doing selfless deeds can lower the risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, and many other illnesses. Older men and women who volunteer experience less symptoms of chronic pain, so there are able to be more physically active. Also, volunteering can decrease dementia in elderly workers
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